Know About Us

How it started ?

Punyya Heart Foundation was born with the intent of spreading the wisdom of a known health and lifestyle expert, Dr. Bimal Chhajer to the masses, in the mission to minimize untimely death due to lifestyle diseases. Dr. Chhajer's ongoing effort to educate people on the causes of Heart-disease has spread over the last three decades and successfully treated more than 500,000 cardiac patients by educating them, teaching their families how to make nutritious meals, and changing their habits PLF hopes to carry on the legacy of Dr. Chhajer and his immensely successful treatment procedure and take it down to the last mile. In his own words “If polio can be radicated from the world, why not heart disease?”

The meaning of the word “Punyya” is “accumulating goodwill by selfless service to humanity”. In Hindu mythology, one carries this goodwill to the next life. Also this “Service to Humanity” gives us contentment, and the blessing of the almighty andleads to a satisfied and fulfilled life.

Maximum tax

or anonymity

and relevance

A small charity has a big impact

With more than 3,900 staff of 50 nationalities, Concern operates in 25 of the world’s poor countries, helping people to achieve major in their lives.

More than 32 years experience

Beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue to those who fail in their shrinking.
Our Impacts

Donations to the Heart Patients
Fund for the Punyya Heart Foundation.

Patients Treated Successfully
Cities Covered
Total Camps

About Punyya Heart Foundation

Punyya Heart Foundation , an NGO, is the social venture of SAAOL. It was founded by Dr. Bimal Chhajer in January 2022. Established to spread lifestyle education to the masses in order to save millions of heart disease deaths, our aim is to reach the whole population of India and later the world. We plan to use simple methods to educate the masses and advise appropriate interventions to save their lives from Coronary Arterial Disease.

SAAOL – Science and Art of Living – established in 1995 by Dr. Bimal Chhajer, MBBS, MD, Ex consultant of AIIMS, New Delhi has been in the fore front of treating heart disease by lifestyle intervention with Allopathic medicines, EECP, and other non-invasive methods. SAAOL has treatedmorethan 500,000 heart patients successfully without the use of bypass surgery and angioplasty. It has more than 100 clinics across India and now expanding by more than 1000 Preventive Heart Clinics in near future. Punyya Heart Foundation is the social arm of SAAOL.

Team behind Punyya

Our work would not be possible without the work of our dedicated volunteers.


The story goes like this – one rich and successful person aged 60 years suddenly gets the news of the death of his very close friend (who was also his classmate) from heart attack. This man feels very sad and also feels insecure that he may also get the same fate. He starts thinking that he has accumulated so much wealth, bank deposits, and properties - What will happen to them if he also dies? After a few days, his mind hits upon an idea "why not carry this money and wealth to heaven with him after death - so that he can enjoy the money there as well". But will it be possible? Being a man with a positive attitude he starts invastigating this proposition. He starts discussing this with people about this idea - but people laughed at him.

They said, “You have come alone and will go alone – no way to carry forward this to the next life or heaven”. But this man didn't give up and kept on with his quest. A few years passed but he could not get the answer. One day he meets one Fakir (wise saintly poor man). He asked the fakir the same question and the Fakir told him “This is possible”. Can I take all my money to heaven? The man again enquired. And How? The fakir starts explaining – “If you go to another country can you use our currency there?” The man replied, “I exchange the rupees for Dollars, Euro or Dirham”. The saint ultimately told him the secret – You invest your money to accumulate “Punyya” – this is The Currency to Heaven. “Spend your wealth on “service to Humanity” and your deposit in Heaven will be in the form of Punyya”, explained the Saint.