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Good Habits From Punyya Heart Foundation to Prevent Heart Attack


One of the most important organs of our body is the heart. It moves waste materials out of the cells and pumps blood throughout the body to feed the cells with nutrition and oxygen. But different problems, such as heart problems, can also affect the heart. And many people don’t know how to avoid heart attack. When the blood supply to the heart is cut off, it can harm the cardiac muscle and result in a heart attack. People who embrace healthy habits can prevent heart disease as well as enhance their overall health and well-being. Today, Punyya Life Foundation will go over some techniques telling how to prevent heart attack that works best in this blog article. So let’s start to learn, how to avoid heart attack:

1. Start Zero-Oil Cooking

Punyya Heart Foundation recommends this as the first point because it is one of the best methods to improve both the health of your heart and your overall health. It is the safest, simplest, and healthiest method of cooking and improves the health of all bodily organs. By decreasing your consumption of saturated and trans fats and incorporating zero-oil cooking into your daily routine, you can lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. To learn how to cook without oil, visit our YouTube channel “SAAOL Zero-Oil Kitchen” where we teach how to make various healthy and tasty dishes without oil.

2. Regularly visit health camps

Regularly visiting free health camps benefits you in numerous ways. PLF also conducts regular free health camps all over India, but currently, we are organizing camps in Delhi. For health issues like blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, our camps offer a variety of screenings and tests. Participating in these camps regularly can assist in identifying any health issues early, making them simpler to control and treat. Our camps also provide health education & awareness on a variety of topics, like heart disease, nutrition, exercise, etc. With all this knowledge, people can lead healthier lifestyles and make better health choices.

Follow Punyya Heart Foundation on social media platforms to get updates on our future camps.

3. Don’t stress too much

Heart health can be negatively impacted by stress. Chronic stress can raise heart rate, blood pressure, and inflammation levels within the body, all of which help to cause heart disease. Learning stress-reduction practices like yoga, deep breathing, or meditation can help people reduce their stress levels and encourage relaxation.

Making time for relaxing activities like reading, having a relaxing bath, or spending time in nature is essential for promoting relaxation and well-being. Whenever possible, avoiding or minimizing stressful situations will also help lower stress levels.

4. A Nutritious Diet

To avoid heart disease, a healthy diet is crucial. A diet that promotes heart health should be rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein, and heart-healthy fats. Avoid eating foods that are rich in salt, added sugars, saturated and trans fats, and added sugars. A diet high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals can help lower cholesterol levels, and blood pressure, and encourage weight reduction.

Additionally, it’s critical to restrict the intake of processed and fast foods and to pay attention to portion sizes. Eating a balanced diet made up of a range of foods can help guarantee that the body receives all the nutrients it requires to operate at its best.

5. Avoid Alcohol

Increased blood pressure and weight gain, both risk factors for heart disease, can result from excessive alcohol intake. While moderate alcohol intake may have some positive health effects, excessive alcohol use can result in heart muscle weakness, high blood pressure, and irregular heartbeats.

The American Heart Association advises women to limit their alcohol intake to one drink per day and males to up to two drinks per day. It’s crucial to pay attention to the serving quantity and stay away from heavy or binge drinking. But still, saying no to alcohol remains one of the best solutions to the question of how to prevent heart attacks.

6. Don’t smoke

Heart disease is significantly increased by smoking. Smoke from cigarettes contains nicotine, which narrows blood vessels, raises blood pressure, and harms artery walls. The advantages of quitting smoking can be felt as soon as a few days have passed. Smoking greatly increases the risk of heart disease. People who stop smoking also experience improvements in their general health, energy levels, and lung function.

To stop smoking, there are many resources accessible, such as counseling, support groups, and nicotine replacement therapy. It’s essential to remember that although giving up smoking can be difficult, the advantages are well worth the effort.

7. Exercise regularly

Maintaining a healthy heart requires regular exercise. Regular exercise can decrease the chance of heart disease by enhancing blood circulation, lowering blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol levels. Additionally, exercise enhances arterial health and aids in maintaining a healthy weight. At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity are advised by the American Heart Association each week.

It’s essential to pick enjoyable and environmentally friendly activities, like cycling, swimming, dancing, or walking. Finding an exercise routine that complements one’s lifestyle and schedule is crucial because consistency is the key to success. Exercise is a great solution to the question of how to prevent heart attack.

8. A good sleep

To maintain good health and well-being, sleep is necessary. A higher chance of heart disease has been connected to sleep deprivation. Adults should strive to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night to promote heart health. Lack of sleep can raise the risk of heart disease by raising blood pressure, causing the body to become more inflammatory, and making a person more insulin resistant.

People should try to create a relaxing sleep environment, stick to a regular sleep routine, avoid using electronics right before bed, and consume as little caffeine and alcohol as possible to get better quality sleep. People who take a good sleep every night know how to prevent heart attacks.

9. Take care of medical conditions

The chance of developing heart disease can be raised by certain medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and conditions involving high cholesterol. Heart disease and other complications can be avoided by managing these conditions through frequent check-ups, medication administration, and lifestyle changes.

To handle these conditions and to keep your health overall, it’s crucial to work closely with a healthcare professional. Regular checkups, blood tests, and other testing procedures can aid in identifying and treating any health issues before they worsen.


Heart disease is a severe and possibly fatal condition, but it is preventable. Punyya Heart Foundation recommends all these good habits to ward off heart attacks. People can live healthier, happier, and longer lives by prioritizing heart health and adopting proactive measures to lower their risk of developing heart disease. Now you know how to avoid a heart attack, start making these healthy changes today to safeguard your heart for the rest of your life. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.